Thursday, June 23, 2016

download - JavaScript: The Basics and Overview of Working with AJAX -lynda

Working with AJAX provides you with in-depth training on Developer. Taught by Simon Allardice as part of the JavaScript Essential Training

Working with AJAX

One of the reasons for the resurgence of JavaScript in recent years is the enormous popularity of what's come to be known as AJAX. Now, AJAX sounds like a separate technology or a language; it isn't. It's just a useful buzzword to describe a cool technique we can do with JavaScript. While it officially stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, well, it's really more to do with AJAX being a good acronym than anything else, because it doesn't even require XML. As far as we're concerned, AJAX is JavaScript.
It's just a very specific use of it. What it means is that after a web page has opened in the user's browser, we can have JavaScript behind the scenes communicate back to the server, even pass and retrieve data, and update parts of the page without the entire page itself needing to reload. A simple example, if you've used, for example, Google, and started typing, and found it able to start to fill out the information that it thinks you're looking for and actually update the page as you'...

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download - JavaScript: The Basics and Overview of Working with AJAX -lynda

Download - JavaScript and AJAX-

The ability to read data and communicate information asynchronously is fundamental to modern web applications. In this course, author Ray Villalobos takes a look at integrating AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) with JavaScript and jQuery—a combination that makes it easy to work with dynamic data and reduces the number of requests to the server. The course first explains what AJAX is, and shows how to load and reload pages with pure JavaScript, update the DOM, and read and parse data in the XML and JSON formats. Next, learn how to read and write information between the server and the client with AJAX methods in jQuery, and build a dynamic search application that updates search results as you type.
Topics include:
  • What is AJAX?
  • Making requests asynchronous
  • Updating the DOM with getElementById
  • Reading JSON files
  • Working with jQuery and AJAX
  • Sending and searching JSON data
  • Incorporating CSS transitions

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download - Bing Ads Essential Training with Joseph Kerschbaum (lynda)

Microsoft's Bing Ads platform is a great place to reach more customers across the Yahoo Bing Network to accelerate your business and brand. This course shows how to master the Bing Ads platform, and Bing Ads will help North American members get a jump-start in implementing what they'll learn with $50 of free advertising available for US and Canadianmembers.

The course begins with an overview of Bing Ads and the search landscape, and then PPC expert Joseph Kerschbaum guides viewers through creating an account and placing ads with Bing Ads and across the Yahoo! Bing Network.

The course then explores best practices for organizing campaigns and ad groups and appropriately matching keywords. Joseph includes tutorials on setting bids and budgets, writing effective ads, and launching and testing variants. Plus, learn how to import AdWords campaigns, measure the performance of your ads, and address important Quality Score issues.
Topics include:
  • Comparing Bing and Google
  • Creating your account
  • Setting up billing
  • Choosing ad outlets
  • Organizing campaigns and ad groups
  • Creating new campaigns
  • Setting up campaign budgets
  • Setting keyword bids
  • Writing effective text ads
  • Importing campaigns from AdWords
  • Tracking ad performance
  • Understanding Quality Score
  • Running reports

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Bing Ads Essential Training with Joseph Kerschbaum - Lynda

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

download - Up and Running with Symfony2 for PHP - Lynda

Build PHP applications the modern way with Symfony2, a popular PHP MVC framework. In this course, Jon Peck shows you how to install and configure Symfony and start saving time with typical development tasks, such as directing traffic, creating persistent models, and rendering content with templates. He'll also show you how to define and validate forms and debug your applications. Don't reinvent the wheel; start learning how to use Symfony to get a head start on your PHP projects.

Topics include:
  • Installing Symfony
  • Creating a bundle from the console
  • Customizing and generating database tables
  • Generating controllers
  • Creating, editing, and debugging entities
  • Displaying and debugging a form
  • Rendering content with templates

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download - Lynda - Up and Running with Symfony2 for PHP

download - Building a Responsive Single-Page Design with Sass (Lynda)

Learn how to build dynamic, responsive single-page designs with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The website featured in this course combines docking navigation, columns that adjust without cluttering your site layout or HTML markup, and animated scrolling effects that respond to user direction. Author Ray Villalobos shows you how to build it. He starts with a lean, easy-to-read template, and then explains how to add the features that make single-page designs so great, with these four frameworks:
  • Compass, whose Sass mixins help you leverage CSS3 features like Flexbox
  • Susy 2, the framework that "subtracts" the math from responsive grid design
  • ScrollMagic, for adding "magical" scroll effects
  • Breakpoint, which makes writing media queries in Sass a snap

But this course isn't just about the tools. It's a realistic project that epitomizes many of the design challenges website developers face in the real world. Start watching now and learn how to use HTML, jQuery, and CSS to build your own dynamic, deeply responsive designs.
Topics include:
  • Analyzing the project before you begin
  • Creating basic styles
  • Building your own Sass mixins
  • Coding the navigation
  • Making the navigation responsive, with grids
  • Using a split layout
  • Creating tween animations
  • Controlling scenes with scrolling

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download - Building a Responsive Single-Page Design with Sass (Lynda)

download - Lynda - Web Project Workflows with Gulp.js, Git, and Browserify

Modern front-end development means more than just writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Developing an efficient workflow will help you write better code and test and deploy your web applications easily and efficiently. Staff author Ray Villalobos is here to show you how to generate a workflow that makes it easier to build websites with processed languages like Sass, Compass, and CoffeeScript. He'll show how to automate development and production versions of your sites, track and share project files with Git and GitHub, and add libraries like jQuery and Mustache.js with Browserify. All of these techniques should easily translate to building your own web projects.

Topics include:
  • Why workflow management?
  • Processing tasks with gulp-coffee
  • Importing libraries with Browserify
  • Processing Sass and Compass
  • Issuing tasks in sequence
  • Watching changes to files
  • Adding static reloads
  • Setting up environment variables
  • Minifying HTML
  • Compressing images

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download - Lynda - Web Project Workflows with Gulp.js, Git, and Browserify

download - UX Design Tools: Axure ( Lynda )

Axure is a wireframing and prototyping tool for web and user experience designers. You can use it to create user flows and sitemaps, click-through wireframes, and robust, fully interactive prototypes. This course shows you how. Brian Thurston Bralczyk introduces Axure's ready-made widgets, functioning form elements, and dynamic content that can be hidden, moved around the page, or even animated. Plus, learn how to generate flows and sitemaps, and create adaptive web designs to view your project on a range of devices. By the end of this course, you'll be able to create prototypes that will help you communicate your designs to clients and developers, or even run large usability tests with prospective users.
Topics include:
  • Using and styling widgets
  • Setting up interactions
  • Creating hide/show options for content
  • Creating an accordion menu
  • Applying web fonts
  • Using flow widgets
  • Creating and placing masters
  • Styling pages
  • Adding form fields with widgets
  • Building a slideshow with dynamic panels
  • Setting up adaptive views

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download - UX Design Tools: Axure ( Lynda )

download - - UX Design Tools Balsamiq Mockups with Justin Putney

Wireframes and prototypes are key to making successful products. But what tools should you use? Balsamiq Mockups is a dedicated wireframing tool that helps you lay out your ideas quickly. In these tutorials, Justin Putney shows how to use Balsamiq Mockups to create richly layered interface elements, turn assets into reusable symbols, and add interactive and responsive design features to your mockups. When you're done with your mockup, he'll show you how to export it to share with clients and developers.
Topics include:
  • Adding, aligning, and layering elements
  • Adding and formatting placeholder text
  • Building symbols
  • Adding new control types using Mockups To Go
  • Creating links and hot areas
  • Making wireframes for tablets and smartphones
  • Exporting mockups for review

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download - - UX Design Tools Balsamiq Mockups with Justin Putney

download - - PHP with MySQL Essential Training

PHP is a popular, reliable programming language at the foundation of many smart, data-driven websites. This comprehensive course from Kevin Skoglund helps developers learn the basics of PHP (including variables, logical expressions, loops, and functions), understand how to connect PHP to a MySQL database, and gain experience developing a complete web application with site navigation, form validation, and a password-protected admin area. Kevin also covers the basic CRUD routines for updating a database, debugging techniques, and usable user interfaces. Along the way, he provides practical advice, offers examples of best practices, and demonstrates refactoring techniques to improve existing code.

Topics include:

  • What is PHP?
  • Installing and configuring PHP and MySQL
  • Exploring data types
  • Controlling code with logical expressions and loops
  • Using PHP's built-in functions
  • Writing custom functions
  • Building dynamic webpages
  • Working with forms and form data
  • Using cookies and sessions to store data
  • Connecting to MySQL with PHP
  • Creating and editing database records
  • Building a content management system
  • Adding user authentication

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download - PHP with MySQL Essential Training

download - - Node.js First Look

JavaScript isn't just for special effects and form validations anymore; Node.js makes it possible to write full web applications entirely in JavaScript. In this course, author Joseph LeBlanc guides you through installing Node.js for the first time, as well as installing Node modules through NPM and writing command-line scripts. The course also covers creating servers, using Node-based frameworks, building templated markup, integrating Node with legacy codebases, programming for WebSockets using the Socket.IO module, and much more.

Topics include:
  • Using the Socket.IO Node package to achieve "live" effects like Facebook notifications
  • Templating your markup in the back end using popular JavaScript libraries
  • Scraping web sites using jQuery without a browser
  • Validating your JavaScript code before running it

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